Rise Of Louis XIV, The (1966) France
Rise Of Louis XIV, The Image Cover
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Director:Rossellini, Roberto, Jourdan, Raymond, Patte, Jean-Marie, Renn, Katharina, Silvagni, Vincent, Dominique
Studio:Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française (ORTF)
Writer:Philippe Erlanger, Jean Gruault
Rating:7.2 (514 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Genre:French films
Subtitles:No subtitles
LAC code:300006896
Original:VHS copy
Rossellini, Roberto, Jourdan, Raymond, Patte, Jean-Marie, Renn, Katharina, Silvagni, Vincent, Dominique  ...  (Director)
Philippe Erlanger, Jean Gruault  ...  (Writer)
Jean-Marie Patte  ...  King Louis XIV
Raymond Jourdan  ...  Jean Baptiste Colbert
Silvagni  ...  Cardinal Mazarin
Katharina Renn  ...  Anne d'Autriche
Dominique Vincent  ...  Madame Du Plessis
Pierre Barrat  ...  Nicolas Fouquet
Fernand Fabre  ...  Michel Le Tellier
Françoise Ponty  ...  Louise de la Vallière
Joëlle Laugeois  ...  Marie-Thérèse
Maurice Barrier  ...  D'Artagnan
André Dumas  ...  Le Père Joly
François Mirante  ...  M. de Brienne
Pierre Spadoni  ...  Noni
Roger Guillo  ...  L'apothicaire
Louis Raymond  ...  Le premier médecin
Comments: DFR 191

Summary: 1661: Cardinal Mazarin dies. In the power vacuum, the young Louis asserts his intention to govern as well as rule. Mazarin's fiscal advisor, Colbert, warns against Fouquet, the Surintendant who's been systematically looting the treasury and wants to be prime minister. Fouquet believes Louis will soon tire of exercizing power; he overplays his hand, offering a bribe to Louis's mistress to be his ally. She reports this to the king who arrests Fouquet. Louis and Colbert design a brilliant strategy to keep merchants making money, nobles in debt, the urban poor working and fed, and peasants untaxed. Years later, in a coda, we see Louis exercising the power of the sun.