Manchurian Candidate, The (1962) USA
Manchurian Candidate, The Image Cover
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Director:Frankenheimer, John, Harvey, Laurence, Lansbury, Angela, Leigh, Janet, Silva, Henry, Sinatra, Frank
Studio:M.C. Productions
Writer:Richard Condon, George Axelrod
Rating:8.2 (44,344 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:Nominated for 2 Oscars, Another 6 wins & 4 nominations
Genre:English films
Aspect Ratio:1.85 : 1
Subtitles:English, French, Spanish
LAC code:300007139
Frankenheimer, John, Harvey, Laurence, Lansbury, Angela, Leigh, Janet, Silva, Henry, Sinatra, Frank  ...  (Director)
Richard Condon, George Axelrod  ...  (Writer)
Frank Sinatra  ...  Major Bennett Marco
Laurence Harvey  ...  Raymond Shaw
Janet Leigh  ...  Eugenie Rose Chaney
Angela Lansbury  ...  Mrs. Eleanor Shaw Iselin
Henry Silva  ...  Chunjin
James Gregory  ...  Senator John Yerkes Iselin
Leslie Parrish  ...  Jocelyn Jordan
John McGiver  ...  Senator Thomas Jordan
Khigh Dhiegh  ...  Dr. Yen Lo
James Edwards  ...  Corporal Allen Melvin
Douglas Henderson  ...  Colonel Milt
Albert Paulsen  ...  Zilkov
Barry Kelley  ...  Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Corrigan  ...  Holborn Gaines
Madame Spivy  ...  Female Berezovo
Comments: DEN 318

Summary: You will never find a more chillingly suspenseful, perversely funny, or viciously satirical political thriller than The Manchurian Candidate, based on the novel by Richard Condon (author of Winter Kills). The film, withheld from distribution by star Frank Sinatra for almost a quarter century after President Kennedy's assassination, has lost none of its potency over time. Former infantryman Bennet Marco (Sinatra) is haunted by nightmares about his platoon having been captured and brainwashed in Korea. The indecipherable dreams seem to center on Sergeant Raymond Shaw (Laurence Harvey), a decorated war hero but a cold fish of a man whose own mother (Angela Lansbury, in one of the all-time great dragon-lady roles) describes him as looking like his head is "always about to come to a point." Mrs. Bates has nothing on Lansbury's character, the manipulative queen behind her second husband, Senator John Iselin (James Gregory), a notoriously McCarthyesque demagogue. --Jim Emerson