Cleopatra (1963) UK
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Director:Mamoulian, Rouben, Brown, Pamela, Burton, Richard, Cole, George, Harrison, Rex, Mankiewicz, Joseph L., Taylor, Elizabeth, Zanuck, Darryl F.
Studio:Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Writer:Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Ranald MacDougall
Rating:6.8 (11,624 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:Won 4 Oscars, Another 3 wins & 11 nominations
Genre:English films
Sound:70 mm 6-Track
Subtitles:English, Spanish
LAC code:300006344
Mamoulian, Rouben, Brown, Pamela, Burton, Richard, Cole, George, Harrison, Rex, Mankiewicz, Joseph L., Taylor, Elizabeth, Zanuck, Darryl F.  ...  (Director)
Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Ranald MacDougall  ...  (Writer)
Elizabeth Taylor  ...  Cleopatra
Richard Burton  ...  Mark Antony
Rex Harrison  ...  Julius Caesar
Pamela Brown  ...  High Priestess
George Cole  ...  Flavius
Hume Cronyn  ...  Sosigenes
Cesare Danova  ...  Apollodorus
Kenneth Haigh  ...  Brutus
Andrew Keir  ...  Agrippa
Martin Landau  ...  Rufio
Roddy McDowall  ...  Octavian - Caesar Augustus
Robert Stephens  ...  Germanicus
Francesca Annis  ...  Eiras
GrĂ©goire Aslan  ...  Pothinus
Martin Benson  ...  Ramos
Comments: DEN 267

Summary: Richard Burton, Rex Harrison and Elizabeth Taylor star in one of the greatest screen spectacles ever made - the story of the Queen of the Nile and her love affairs with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. The film is distinguished by superb performances from Burton and Harrison (nominated for an Oscar), but at its center is Elizabeth Taylor in one of the most glamorous roles of her career. Astounding in scope and grandeur, the picture won Oscars for cinematography, sets and special effects. It's famous moments include moviedom's most flamboyant entrance - Cleopatra's dazzling arrival in Rome. Bolstered by a talented supporting cast and utterly stunning backdrops, here is a truly epic portrayal of the woman who conquered two of Rome's greatest soldiers, affected the course of history, and became synonymous with beguiling beauty - Cleopatra.