Scipio Africanus: the Defeat Of Hannibal (1937) Italy
Scipio Africanus: the Defeat Of Hannibal Image Cover
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Director:Gallone, Carmine, Benassi, Memo, Giachetti, Fosco, Ninchi, Annibale, Pilotto, Camillo
Studio:Consorzione 'Scipio l'Africano'
Writer:Carmine Gallone, Camillo Mariani Dell'Aguillara
Rating:5.2 (116 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:1 win
Genre:English films
Aspect Ratio:1.37 : 1
Subtitles:No subtitles
LAC code:300006952
Gallone, Carmine, Benassi, Memo, Giachetti, Fosco, Ninchi, Annibale, Pilotto, Camillo  ...  (Director)
Carmine Gallone, Camillo Mariani Dell'Aguillara  ...  (Writer)
Annibale Ninchi  ...  Publius Cornelius Scipio
Camillo Pilotto  ...  Hannibal
Fosco Giachetti  ...  Captain Massinissa
Francesca Braggiotti  ...  Queen Sophonisba
Marcello Giorda  ...  King Syphace
Guglielmo Barnabò  ...  Furius, fat Roman
Isa Miranda  ...  Velia, a Roman woman
Memo Benassi  ...  Cato
Franco Coop  ...  Mezio, Roman soldier
Ciro Galvani  ...  Quinto Fabio Massimo
Carlo Lombardi  ...  Lucio
Marcello Spada  ...  Arunte
Piero Carnabuci  ...  Il Reduce della Battaglia
Carlo Ninchi  ...  Lelius
Lamberto Picasso  ...  Hasdrubal, advisor to Hannibal
Comments: DEN 262

Summary: Mussolini's government, in addition to making the railroads run on time (and other items not so good), could also produce a movie on a lavish scale, including over 6000 extras in the battle scenes. A story of the Second Punic Wars, beginning with Scipio's futile pleas to the Roman Senate to build an army to battle Hannibal, that climaxes with the battle of Zama.