Death To Smoochy (2002) USA
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Director:Devito, Danny, Cocchiaro, Richard, Cross, Glen, Eldridge, Craig, Ferris, Pam, Fierstein, Harvey
Studio:Warner Bros. Pictures
Writer:Adam Resnick
Rating:6.2 (25,946 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:1 nomination
Genre:English films
Aspect Ratio:1.85 : 1
Subtitles:English, Espanol, French
LAC code:300001265
Devito, Danny, Cocchiaro, Richard, Cross, Glen, Eldridge, Craig, Ferris, Pam, Fierstein, Harvey  ...  (Director)
Adam Resnick  ...  (Writer)
Robin Williams  ...  Rainbow Randolph
Edward Norton  ...  Sheldon Mopes
Catherine Keener  ...  Nora Wells
Danny DeVito  ...  Burke Bennett
Jon Stewart  ...  Marion Frank Stokes
Pam Ferris  ...  Tommy Cotter
Danny Woodburn  ...  Angelo Pike
Michael Rispoli  ...  Spinner Dunn
Harvey Fierstein  ...  Merv Green
Vincent Schiavelli  ...  Buggy Ding Dong
Craig Eldridge  ...  Husband
Judy White  ...  Wife
Tim MacMenamin  ...  Danny
Bruce McFee  ...  Roy
Glen Cross  ...  Jimmy
Comments: DEN 239

Summary: Randolph Smiley (ROBIN WILLIAMS) has it all - as the costumed star of the highest rated kid's show on TV, "Rainbow Randolph" has a Manhattan penthouse, a Times Square billboard featuring his beloved character, cars , boats, horses and all the indulgence that celebrity brings. Until he get's caught by the Feds in an under the table bribe, busted and instantly reviled, Randolph is a star no more. Enter Sheldon Mopes (EDWARD NORTON) and his alter-ego "Smoochy", a puffy, fuscia rhinoceros. Smoochy is the perfect remedy for what ails the networks...Now it's Smoochy who's got the swanky penthouse, the Times Square billboard and the smooth-talking agent (DANNY DEVITO). Sheldon soon learns that children's television is a dangerous world steeped in corruption, back-stabbing and violence with his biggest problem being Rainbow Randolph. Broke and homeless, Randolph seeks revenge on the Rhino that stole his job and his house; he's convinced the foam rubber carpetbagger is the face of evil sent by the devil to destroy him and he will not sleep until Smoochy takes a permanent dirt nap.