Waiting For Fidel (1974) Canada
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Director:Rubbo, Michael, Rubbo, Michael
Studio:National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
Rating:7.1 (66 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Genre:English films
Languages:English, Spanish
Subtitles:No Subtitles
LAC code:300001073
Rubbo, Michael, Rubbo, Michael  ...  (Director)
  ...  (Writer)
Fidel Castro  ...  Himself (with Erich Honecker)
Erich Honecker  ...  Himself (with Fidel Castro)
Bernabe Ordez  ...  Himself (doctor, friend of Castro)
Michael Rubbo  ...  Himself
Joey Smallwood  ...  Himself
Geoff Stirling  ...  Himself (radio, TV station owner)
Comments: DEN 171

Summary: Filmmaker Michael Rubbo travels to Cuba to make a film about Fidel Castro. In Havana, important Cubans promise him access to Castro as they chauffeur his crew about the country. Day after day, the hopeful party waits; but the Cuban leader remains ever elusive . . . .More a personal journal than a documentary, WAITING FOR FIDEL records each step of this wayward quest to meet Castro. Rubbo’s decision to appear on-camera and interact with the participants went against documentary traditions, resulting in a freewheeling, groundbreaking film that has inspired filmmakers Michael Moore (ROGER AND ME) and Nick Broomfield (BIGGIE AND TUPAC, AILEEN WOURONOS: THE SELLING OF A SERIAL KILLER).