Catfish In Black Bean Sauce (1999) USA
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Director:Muoi, Lo, Chi, Alice, Mary, Brown, Andre Rosey, Cade, Mark Daniel, Chen, Wing, Chinh, Kieu
Studio:Black Hawk Entertainment
Writer:Chi Muoi Lo
Rating:6.4 (363 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:4 wins & 1 nomination
Genre:English films
Subtitles:No subtitles
LAC code:300001127
Muoi, Lo, Chi, Alice, Mary, Brown, Andre Rosey, Cade, Mark Daniel, Chen, Wing, Chinh, Kieu  ...  (Director)
Chi Muoi Lo  ...  (Writer)
Chi Muoi Lo  ...  Dwayne Williams
Sanaa Lathan  ...  Nina
Paul Winfield  ...  Harold Williams
Mary Alice  ...  Dolores Williams
Lauren Tom  ...  Mai
Kieu Chinh  ...  Thanh
Tyler Christopher  ...  Michael
Tzi Ma  ...  Vinh
George Wallace  ...  James
Wing Chen  ...  Samantha
Amy Tran  ...  Young Mai
Kevin Lo  ...  Young Dwayne
Kevin D'Arcy  ...  Guard #1
Andre Rosey Brown  ...  Guard #2
Ron Galbraith  ...  Doctor
Comments: DEN 153

Summary: Dwayne and his sister are Vietnamese siblings who were adopted by an African-American couple. Now in their mid-20s, they both have chosen different paths, but when they learn that their biological mother is coming to Los Angeles, they eagerly await the reunion. This drama is both funny and moving in an emotionally rewarding journey through the tapestry of one group of immigrants searching for what it means to call themselves a family.