Roman Holiday (1953) USA
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Director:Wyler, William, Albert, Eddie, Hepburn, Audrey, Peck, Gregory, Power, Hartley, Williams, Harcourt
Studio:Paramount Pictures
Writer:Ian McLellan Hunter, John Dighton
Rating:8.1 (46,555 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:Won 3 Oscars, Another 6 wins & 13 nominations
Genre:English films
Aspect Ratio:1.37 : 1
Languages:English, Italian, German
LAC code:300001065
Wyler, William, Albert, Eddie, Hepburn, Audrey, Peck, Gregory, Power, Hartley, Williams, Harcourt  ...  (Director)
Ian McLellan Hunter, John Dighton  ...  (Writer)
Gregory Peck  ...  Joe Bradley
Audrey Hepburn  ...  Princess Ann
Eddie Albert  ...  Irving Radovich
Hartley Power  ...  Mr. Hennessy
Harcourt Williams  ...  Ambassador
Margaret Rawlings  ...  Countess Vereberg
Tullio Carminati  ...  General Provno
Paolo Carlini  ...  Mario Delani
Claudio Ermelli  ...  Giovanni
Paola Borboni  ...  Charwoman
Alfredo Rizzo  ...  Taxicab Driver
Laura Solari  ...  Hennessy's Secretary
Gorella Gori  ...  Shoe Seller
Comments: DEN 107

Summary: A modern-day princess, rebelling against the royal obligations, explores Rome on her own. She meets Gregory Peck, an American newspaperman who, seeking an exclusive story, pretends ignorance of her true identity. But his plan falters as they fall in love. Eddie Albert contributes to the fun as Peck's carefree cameraman pal. Stylishly directed by William Wyler, this romantic comedy ranks as one of the most enjoyable film of all times.