Double Life Of Veronique, The (1991) France
Double Life Of Veronique, The Image Cover
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Director:Kieslowski, Krzysztof, Bardini, Aleksander, Gryglaszewska, Halina, Jacob, Irène, Jedrusik, Kalina, Kowalski, Wladyslaw
Studio:Sidéral Productions
Writer:Krzysztof Kieslowski, Krzysztof Piesiewicz
Rating:7.8 (14,628 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:Nominated for Golden Globe, Another 8 wins & 6 nominations
Genre:French films
Aspect Ratio:1.66 : 1
Sound:Dolby SR
LAC code:300008767
Original:DVD copy
Kieslowski, Krzysztof, Bardini, Aleksander, Gryglaszewska, Halina, Jacob, Irène, Jedrusik, Kalina, Kowalski, Wladyslaw  ...  (Director)
Krzysztof Kieslowski, Krzysztof Piesiewicz  ...  (Writer)
Irène Jacob  ...  Weronika
Halina Gryglaszewska  ...  La Tante
Kalina Jedrusik  ...  La femme barjolée
Aleksander Bardini  ...  Le chef d'orchestre
Wladyslaw Kowalski  ...  Le père de Weronika
Jerzy Gudejko  ...  Antek
Janusz Sterninski  ...  L'avocat
Philippe Volter  ...  Alexandre Fabbri
Sandrine Dumas  ...  Catherine
Louis Ducreux  ...  Le professeur
Claude Duneton  ...  Le père de Véronique
Lorraine Evanoff  ...  Claude
Guillaume de Tonquedec  ...  Serge
Gilles Gaston-Dreyfus  ...  Jean-Pierre
Alain Frérot  ...  Le facteur
Comments: Copy for Due Hackney CLAS 3381

Summary: Two women...complete strangers, but strangely linked to each other... Renowned director Krzysztof Kieslowski (Three Colors: Red, White and Blue) confirmed his reputation as one of cinema's visionary filmmakers with this beautifully poetic, elegantly mysterious film that ponders the nature of intuition and the metaphysical connections between people. Irene Jacob lights up the screen as both Weronika, a deeply spiritual Polish soprano, and her double, Veronique, a more earthy French music teacher. Each senses the other and is affected by each other's experiences, though they have no idea of the other's existence. Aided by a haunting operatic score, The Double Life of Veronique is a mesmerizing masterpiece of filmmaking.