Golden Door (2006) Italy
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Director:Crialese, Emanuele, Giorgino, Ilaria, Mahieux, Ernesto, Pucillo, Filippo, Ragonese, Isabella, Russo, Natale
Studio:Rai Cinema
Writer:Emanuele Crialese
Rating:6.8 (3,120 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:14 wins & 19 nominations
Genre:Italian films
Aspect Ratio:2.35 : 1
Sound:Dolby Digital
Languages:Italian, English, Sicilian
Subtitles:English, French, Spanish
LAC code:300008977
Crialese, Emanuele, Giorgino, Ilaria, Mahieux, Ernesto, Pucillo, Filippo, Ragonese, Isabella, Russo, Natale  ...  (Director)
Emanuele Crialese  ...  (Writer)
Charlotte Gainsbourg  ...  Lucy Reed
Vincenzo Amato  ...  Salvatore Mancuso
Aurora Quattrocchi  ...  Fortunata Mancuso
Francesco Casisa  ...  Angelo Mancuso
Filippo Pucillo  ...  Pietro Mancuso
Federica De Cola  ...  Rita D'Agostini
Isabella Ragonese  ...  Rosa Napolitano
Filippo Luna  ...  Don Ercole
Andrea Prodan  ...  Mister Del Fiore
Ernesto Mahieux  ...  Dottor. Zampino
Marcelo Benassi  ...  Il Gatto
Giuseppe Sangiorgi  ...  Uomo Olive
Alessandra Fazzino  ...  Santa
Giuseppe Culino  ...  Dottore
Massimo Laguardia  ...  Mangiapane
Summary: Sicilian peasant Salvatore yearns for a better life, one he believes exists only in the fabled land known as America where carrots grow taller than men, rivers flow with milk and golden coins rain from the trees. He sells everything he owns to make the trans-Atlantic passage with his two sons and elderly mother. On the perilous steamship crossing, Salvatore meets a mysterious, worldly Englishwoman, Lucy (Charlotte Gainsbourg), and an unexpected romance unfolds. But neither Salvatore nor Lucy is prepared for the arrival at Ellis Island, where families are inspected, interrogated and split apart. They will have to bravely face their personal and collective dilemmas in order to become part of the American dream.