Earthquake In Chile (1975) Spain
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Director:Sanders-Brahms, Helma, Alcazar, Victor, Peña, Julia
Studio:Filmverlag der Autoren
Writer:Helma Sanders-Brahms, Heinrich von Kleist
Rating:4.4 (12 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Genre:German films
LAC code:300008903
Sanders-Brahms, Helma, Alcazar, Victor, Peña, Julia  ...  (Director)
Helma Sanders-Brahms, Heinrich von Kleist  ...  (Writer)
Julia Peña  ...  Josephe Asteron
Maddalena Kerrh  ...  Josephe Asteron
Víctor Alcázar  ...  Jeronimo Rugera
Fred Maire  ...  Jeronimo Rugera
Fernando Villena  ...  Don Henrico Asteron
Wolf Ackva  ...  Don Henrico Asteron
Juan Amigo  ...  Don Fernando Ormez
Manfred Schott  ...  Don Fernando Ormez
Ángel Álvarez  ...  Bischof
Erik Jelde  ...  Bischof
José Villasante  ...  Familiar
Alois Maria Giani  ...  Familiar
María Jesús Hoyos  ...  Dona Elvira Ormez
Lis Kertelge  ...  Dona Elvira Ormez
María Vico  ...  Dona Elisabeth Ormez
Summary: Handsome Jeronimo is hired to tutor the rich heiress, Josefa. They fall in love, but the Church forbids their relationship, and Josefa is hidden in a convent. The Church discovers that she is pregnant and sentences her to death by decapitation. Jeronimo tracks her down but is jailed before he can rescue her. When Fate intervenes in the form of a massive earthquake, the two lovers have no idea what is in store for them. Though shot in fascist Spain near the end of Francisco Franco s dictatorship, EARTHQUAKE IN CHILE could be relevant to any society where oppression kills the spirit of the people.