Ankh Maat Wedjau Honor Society
The overall mission of the Songhai Chapter of the Ankh Maat Wedjau Honor Society is to establish a strong foundation of knowledge and wisdom in the field of Africana/Black Studies at the University of Houston. It is the hope that the knowledge and wisdom shared will help students to grow within themselves academically, psychologically, and spiritually. Moreover, in being in Pan-African in scope the knowledge will be pulled from various African, Caribbean, and African American scholar, writers, and artists. The goal is to grasp the concept of interconnectedness of African people world-wide and to stimulate conversation and thought.
We will discuss and analyze works from various authors, artists, musicians, moviemakers, contemporary figures, and historical intellectuals. These avenues will allow us to gain a holistic understanding of the issues and problems of African humanity. Furthermore, this chapter is designed to be an open forum of ideas consisting of enriching conversation and intellectual thoughts to be shared. Our goal is create a forum that fosters creative and dynamic dialogue. Participants will also enjoy opportunities to attend various conferences and colloquia in the field of Africana/Black Studies, such as the National Council of Black Studies Annual Conference and the Model African Union Conference.
The University of Houston Chapter will meet once a month to discuss issues and relevant information concerning Black life on the continent throughout the diaspora, as well as review literature and/or media presentations chosen by the participants. Essentially, the body will determine areas of focus and information to be shared during the meetings. “Each one, Teach one,” will be the desired mode of education.
- President-
Da’Vonte Lyons - Vice President-
Mic’eal Thomas - Secretary/Historian-
Ashley Davis - Sergeant At Arms-
Dana Maule - Chief Editor-
Kayla Stewart