Incoming Trainees - Things To Remember


Since you will not be receiving your first paycheck for two to three weeks, we suggest that you bring $2500-$3000 in U.S. funds or traveler's checks. These can be redeemed at any bank or major business. Traveler's checks in foreign funds may not be redeemable. The distribution of your money will be approximately the following:

Down payment on living accommodations $600
Deposit for bank account $300
Car $3000-4000
Auto Insurance $300
Auto Registration $120
* These amounts are approximations  

NOTE: Trainees in Austin usually must buy a car since traveling distances are so far. Austin has poor public transportation and therefore most people own cars. You might have transportation to work with another trainee, but you will want to buy a car.

International Driver's License And Insurance

In the area, which you will be living, it is very difficult to get around without the use of a car. Bringing your international driver's license will make it easier to obtain a U.S. drivers license. Please expect to be driving to and from work. You must also obtain car insurance when you get a car. An Aiesec member or trainee will help you with the best options.  If you have a license already it would be in your best interest to also obtain a copy of your driving record in hopes that your insurance could be less if you have had no accidents.

Obtaining a Driver's License

Although you may already have an International Drivers License, you may want to obtain a drivers license in the U.S. for identification purposes. You will be asked to pass a written and driving test in order to get your license. In the State of Texas a driver’s license can be obtained at the Department of Public Safety. It is strongly recommended that you get your Texas drivers license within a month of your arrival.

Full Coverage Insurance

It is necessary for you to procure full medical insurance for yourself BEFORE you come on your traineeship. In the past the AIESEC U.S., who will contact you, has helped trainees obtain insurance coverage. If extenuating circumstances do occur, please inform AIESEC U.S. or us immediately. The reception officer will fax you an insurance form upon acceptance of your traineeship to be filled out and returned before your arrival.

Currency And Banking

United States tenders U.S. dollars $.

A bank account can be obtained at any bank. There are many different types of accounts. You will want to open an account with a cash card. This card will enable you to withdraw money from automatic teller machines (ATM's) even when the bank is closed. The reception officer, or someone else from the local committee, will help you arrange your bank account when you arrive.Usually a bank account requires $300 to open an account.

Obtaining a Social Security Card Number

In the United States, you will need a Social Security Number so that you will be able to work. This Social Security Number can be obtained at the Secretary of State's office. Again, someone from our LC will assist you in obtaining this number. You will need your passport and any other photo identification you may have in order to obtain this card.

Social Customs And Holidays

Here are some useful social customs to know before you arrive!

1. Men generally shake hands firmly and with direct eye contact when they meet. Women often shake hands too when introduced for the first time and in business situations.

2. An older woman is addressed "Mrs." or "Miss" and her last name, unless she requests that you use her first name. An older woman may use the first name of a young woman at a meeting.

3. Promptness is expected at social events. Often, however, it is acceptable to be fashionably late, approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

4. Tipping. generally the rule is to leave a 15% tip for bills in restaurants, beauty parlors, and for taxi drivers. One doesn't have to tip special delivery mailmen or ushers in theaters.


New Year’s Day – January 1

Martin Luther King's Day (Civil Rights Activist) - January 15

Valentine's Day - February 14

April Fool's Day - April 1

Independence Day - July 4

Labor Day - First Monday in September

Halloween - October 31

Veteran's Day - November 11

Thanksgiving Day - Fourth Thursday in November

Christmas Day - December 25

Hanukkah - 8 days in December

American Slang

Here are a few words that will surely be useful for you when you come to AIESEC Austin.

1. "you know" - words that are often used at the end of a sentence to make the statement into a question. Often short for "you know what I mean?" Example: My college life was so dull until I met AIESECers, you know?

2. "like" - often put in-between words to buy time in searching for the appropriate word. Example: National Conference was so great, it was, like, INCREDIBLE!!

3. "cool" - often used as a question and statement. Example: Person A: I'll meet you at 2:00. Cool? / Person B: Cool (fine, good)

4. "awesome" - totally great, fantastic. Example: Our trainees are so cool, they are AWESOME!!

5. "what's up?" - How are you? What's new? (doesn't necessarily require an answer.) Example: Hey John, what's up?

6. "Chill" or "chill out" - Take it easy, relax! Example: You're working too hard and getting to stressed! CHILL OUT!

7. "Later" - Short for "see you later" 

Visa Info

You should receive a packet from Aiesec US with information about how you obtain your visa. This process can take a while and must be started as soon as possible.  You MUST have your visa when you arrive in the United States.

Taxes And Stuff

Trainees on a J-1 Visa are required to pay certain taxes in the United States. You will be expected to pay both a State and Federal tax on your income. You will file for this in the month of March after you've been working in the United States for a few months.