NSM Footnotes
1 Qualified students are urged to take the advanced placement examinations.
2 Students should enter MATH 1431 if qualified to do so.
3 Only offered in the fall semesters.
4 Only offered in the spring semesters.
5 Only offered in the spring semesters.
6 Students must have two labs in the same discipline. All natural science courses must be courses for science majors.
7 Three approved advanced hours from MIS 3360, and one of MIS 4374, or 4379, or 4478.
8 Students not qualified to enter MATH 1431 must complete MATH 1300, 1310, and/or 1330, as indicated by results of the Mathematics placement examination.
10 Placement into beginning Math Courses is determined by the math Placement Exam. Based on their math placement scores students may need to take a prerequisite course.
11 If 1000 level foreign language is not required as a prerequisite, foreign language at the 2000 level may be taken the first year. Electives may be chosen to fulfill the required number of hours.
12 The seven hours of Natural Science must include a laboratory course. Courses selected must be designated as approved for majors in the subject.
13 At least 36 advanced semester hours are required for graduation.
14 The fourteen hours of Natural Science must include 2 labs in a single discipline. Courses selected must be designated as approved for majors in that subject.
15 Students must complete at least 12 hours in Mathematics at the 4000-level, which must include MATH 4389 and 6 hours approved as a Senior sequence.
16 The NSM capstone requirement may be met by completing a minor in another discipline, completing a Senior Honors Thesis, completing MATH 3396; 4396: Senior Research Project, or by completing MATH 3396 and 4389. Most students should plan on taking a minor.
17 Free electives must include six semester hours of 2000-level foreign language.
18 Mathematics majors are strongly encouraged to include Computer Science courses in their electives.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: August 16, 2009