Background material for New Zealand Lectures
by Thomas R. DeGregori

The following material was prepared as a general purpose framework for my public lectures in New Zealand at the end of June, 2003. The lecture will be to different audiences with differing backgrounds and interest but the underlying theme of all the lectures will be the role of agricultural biotechnology in international trade and economic development. IO  trust that the following will be helpful for those who attend the lectures.

Technology Transfer: 1st World Myth and 3rd World Reality.

The rise of modern science and industrial technology over the last two centuries has its own Newtonian mechanics in having an equal and opposite romantic, vitalist reaction to it. By the last quarter of the 20th century, it became obvious that science, technology and modernity were providing a longer, healthier life for those living in countries fortunate to have command of them and that those who were not so fortunate avidly sought to access modern science and technology as a necessary instrument of economic development.

Just as assuredly developing countries were seeking to facilitate technology transfer, the romantic opposition to technology took on apocalyptic tones as technology was exhausting the world's resources and destroying its environment. Over the last decades of the millennium, the fears about modern technology reached a fever pitch. With biotechnology and now nano technology, there is no fear that is to absurd or bizarre to raise including as my audience well knows, the claimed that the release of a genetically engineered bacterium "would result in the death of all terrestrial plants" by entering the root system of plants causing the production of more than sufficient toxins to kill them. Anyone in the audience is of the illusion that this hoary myth has been laid to rest, should type Klebsiella planticola into a search engine and checkout what is brought up.

Unable to deny the green revolution's spectacular increases in food production far outpacing unprecedented growth in population, we are now told that modern agronomy has drained our food of all its nutrients and its vital properties. One study goes so far as to claim that there is "one inescapable conclusion: Life on Earth is killing us" (CNS 1998). And I reply - If science and technology are killing us, why are we living so long? If our food is so lacking in nutrients and our medicine and pharmaceuticals so ineffective, then why are we so healthy?

In the 1970s, the appropriate technology movement in developed counties was under a selfdelusion that developing countries wanted "intermediate technologies" while the countries themselves, then and now, were concerned about gaining access to the latest and best in technology. Inevitably, it was those in developed countries who had never been to a developing country, who were under an illusion that they were speaking on behalf of the poor and railed against the effort "to impose" modern technology upon poor countries. Given that by the late 1970s, countries like Korea and Taiwan were manifesting command of an array of technologies, a Marxist might legitimately wonder whether the appropriate technology movement was in reality a capitalist plot to keep the poor countries as hewers of wood and drawers of water and non-competitive.

Since the 1970s, the growing NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations) movement has picked up the claim to be speaking for those without a voice while ignoring what the actual leaders of these countries were saying and the people themselves are showing by their actions that they want. Down to the present, developed country NGOs claim to speak for the developing countries (G6B for the slogan, You are the G8, we are 6 billion) yet they are promoting policies exactly contrary to what the developing countries are seeking. Challenge the NGO spokespersons with statements or actions by leaders of developing countries, and the NGOs will respond that these leaders are an unrepresentative elite.

Protests from Seattle to the present on issues of technology (as well as child labor, the environment, agriculture) offered positions on issues that the developing countries see as being protectionist and harmful to them. Add in the ongoing NGO interference in developing countries attempts to grow economically by building dams for irrigation and power or pipelines for oil and gas export revenues and it becomes questionable whether the NGOs and their Green allies speak for anyone but elites in developed countries. They are quick to defend wildlife and habitat but not the humans who live there.

1) Whether intended or not, the antibiotech actions including EU (European Union) labeling requirements are a form of protectionism that to most developing countries is their number one concern. Ironically (or maybe not so ironically), the concern is greatest in Africa that has become a net food importing area. They still export a variety of products, maize (when the rains are plentiful), cattle, cotton and any number of specialty,high valued products such as flowers or "organic" produce. African countries know that they cannot attract the necessary investment to modernize (acquire the best in technology) their agriculture to meet their domestic food needs unless the investors know that they will be able to export in addition to selling in the local market.

2) Precautionary principle may sound reasonable but it is simply an excuse for protectionism. When all else fails and there is no evidence of harm, opponents of transgenic food crops have invoked the precautionary principle. The greater the imagined fear, the greater the justification for opposing a new technology no matter what the facts of the case may be. One clever expression of the precautionary principle states - "absence of evidence of harm is not evidence of absence of harm." Not mentioned is the fact that absence of evidence of harm is sometimes the only evidence possible that there is no harm. As has been repeatedly maintained by scientists, they cannot prove there is absolutely no possibility of harm, now or in the future; all they can show is that the best scientific testing can find no evidence of harm and nothing in our current scientific knowledge gives us any reason to expect to find harm by continued testing. But given the "proof" demanded, no amount of testing for safe use will satisfy the critics.

3) Intellectual property and corporate control of agriculture have become issues of concern in international trade and technology transfer. We get a strange mix of arguments in which it is maintained that biotechnology does not benefit the farmer etc. yet the same groups are worried about who controls a technology that they claim is worthless if not downright harmful. If it is worthless than why worry about who controls it? If it has value than why oppose it in such a way that makes it more difficult for publicly funded institutions such as IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) to carry out research for advances that would be freely available to those who need them? And for heaven's sake, why oppose Vitamin A enhanced rice that could save so many children's lives and keep other children from going blind? And why should poor farmers get caught in the crossfire from those who are really opposed to multinational corporations and globalization? And most critically of all, what kind of human being would actively seek to prevent those dying and at risk of dying from famine, from receiving the food which they so desperately need?  One distinguished conservationist argues that "persuading governments responsible for the lives of hundreds of thousands of starving people in Africa to forego food aid on the basis of politically or economically motivated disinformation seems to me to constitute a serious crime against humanity" (Raven 2003, see also Paarlberg 2002). (As an aside, may I add that may supporters of transgenic technologies have long been believed that opposition to GM food crops was just an excuse to go after multi-national corporations.)

4) Trade and technology issues have always been intertwined. Those of us who support the WTO (World Trade Organization), also favor the technology transfer that it facilitates.

[Brief personal digression - The WTO is a work in progress. I work with a number of developing countries (I am off to Southern Africa after my trip here and will be there in July and again in August) that have any number of grievances against the WTO as it is currently constituted. I share their concerns and work with them to bring about the changes required to make WTO a more effective instrument of free trade and technology transfer. Similarly, I have no problem with granting patents to intellectual property or to the discovery of lifeforms. However, I am concerned that some of the early patents granted in these areas were awarded using criterion that is no longer considered acceptable when it was not even remotely understood what the potential of genetic engineering was. Rather than facilitating investment in research and development, these "submarine" patents are inhibiting technological progress and access to it by those most in need. In other words, there are very serious issues to be discussed and resolved. By their knee-jerk anti-globalization, anti-intellectual property stance and blanket opposition to all patenting of life forms, the NGOs have made it impossible to discuss the really important issues.]

The trade alternative to the WTO's multilateralism is bilateralism where small countries have to negotiate singularly with their larger trading partners. At least in the WTO, coalitions can form which include, small and large countries, rich and poor  the Cairns group (which includes New Zealand and the United States) for example  which may not completely "level the playing field" but makes it a lot closer to level than is the case with bilateral negotiations. A country like Malaysia can join with the Cairns on agriculture and then can join with Europe and Japan to oppose U.S. tariffs on steel. To be candid, politics being what it is, governments in large countries often take unilateral actions in violation of the WTO agreements already in place. Having a WTO ruling against their actions, can frequently give the politicians the cover to do what they knew in the beginning was the right thing to do.

5) Critics of biotechnology frequently use the alleged "failure" of the Green Revolution as a reference point and as a basis for arguing against transgenic technology in agriculture but not in pharmaceuticals. We happily join the issue on their terms. From 1960 to 2000, world population doubled but because of the Green Revolution, food supply rose 270% resulting in a 30% or more increase in per capita food consumption and a halving of the real price of basic food commodities such as rice which further benefited the poor. This was achieved with only a 7% increase in land under cultivation (4% increase for grains which provide two thirds of the world's food). Because of the greater efficiency of Green Revolution crops, the water used to produce the world's food crops has remained constant.

Contrary to the claims of Green Revolution's critic's claims of voracious water use, in agriculture "water productivity increased by at least 100 percent between 1961 and 2001" (FAO 2003, 25). The major factor behind:

        this growth has been yield increase. For many crops, the yield increase has occurred without increased water consumption, and sometimes with even less water given the increase in the harvesting index (FAO 2003, 25).


For wheat and rice, two major crops of the Green Revolution, "water consumption experienced little if any variation during these years" as per capita water use in food production fell in half (FAO 2003, 25). FAO argues that genetically engineered crops can contribute to improved "water use efficiency" (2003, 28).

Modern conservation tillage (or reduced, minimum or no-tillage) agriculture using pesticides for weed and pest control conserves water, soil and biodiversity better than its "organic" competitors and better than any previous forms of tillage (DeGregori 1985, 111-112). Conservation tillage is building up soil and soil quality. Planting with a drill, possibly disking the field preserves soil structure and vegetative cover (and the diversity of life therein) and preserves the earthworms and other lifeforms that are often destroyed by deep plowing as used in "organic" and older forms of conventional agriculture.

Various forms of conservation tillage have been expanded in recent years with crops genetically engineered for pest resistance or for herbicide tolerance which allow forms of tillage in which a less toxic broad spectrum pesticide is substituted for multiple sprayings of an array of targeted pesticides and herbicides thereby reducing overall pesticide use. Ironically, these practices have also led to a reduction in overall pesticide.

Since their introduction in the mid-nineties, transgenic crops engineered for herbicide tolerance (by expressing a protein that is fully digestible by humans and other animals) have brought a decline in pesticide use, something its critics have long claimed to favor. There have even been enormous benefits from plants engineered to resistant to certain pesticides. In the United States, transgenic crops and conservation tillage have led to significant declines in pesticide use and a reduction in fossil fuel use with further benefit to the environment. The potential for farmers in poor countries for reduced cost of pesticides, water and fuel and/or labor inputs coupled with an increase in net yield (whether by increased production or decreased crop loses in the field, net yield is net yield and any increase is to be desired) offers these farmers an opportunity to improve their lives and that of their families (Qaim and Zilberman 2003 and James 2002).

Many of the leading luminaries of the anti-genetically modified food movement continue to proclaim the Green Revolution to be a failure while still arguing that there is enough food for everyone. If the Green Revolution was and is a failure, where does this "enough food for everybody" come from? Nobody claims that we are producing enough to feed the projected future population, nor does anyone have any viable proposals as to how we may do so. Critics continue to vilify those who made the Green Revolution and those who are working to create a new double Green Revolution. Organic chemistry, genetics and now molecular biology have been as essential to twentieth century advances in agriculture such as plant breeding, and provide a framework for what is needed to keep the process moving forward.

Plant biotechnology is not simply a luxury but increasingly a necessity. The Green Revolution was necessary not only to feed a growing world population but also to prevent the inevitable famine and environmental destruction that would have resulted from large population increase without an increase in yields per unit of cultivated land. If we are to feed the 9 billion people expected by the year 2040 before population growth is likely to cease, reduce world hunger and save the remaining habitat than we must have the yield increases that only biotechnology can now deliver. Though rice yields have tripled over the last 30 years, we are now "fast approaching a theoretical limit set by the crop's efficiency in harvesting sunlight and using its energy to make carbohydrates" (Surridge 2002, 576). According to John Sheehy, plant ecologist at IRRI, "the only way to increase yields and reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers is to increase photosynthetic efficiency" (quoted in Surridge 2002, 577). Plant evolution has shown us an improved pathway for photosynthesis.

        On at least 30 separate occasions, different plant lineages have evolved to use the Sun's energy more efficiently, making sugars in a twostage process known as C4 photosynthesis (Surridge 2002, 578).

        Surridge adds:

        About 10 million years ago, falling concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere gave plants using C4 photosynthesis an important selective advantage. The ancestors of maize were among these plants (Surridge 2002, 578).


        "Rice, wheat and most other cereals all use conventional C3 photosynthesis." The need in agricultural plant breeding is for a variety of different types of research technologies including biotechnology as well as the technologies of longer standing which brought us to where we are today (Powell 2002 and Terada et al. 2002). The sequencing of the genome of two varieties of rice will be an important new tool in creating rice varieties with genes that express the C4 enzyme (Ronald and Leung 2002, Goff et al. 2002 and Yu et al. 2002). It is also likely to provide valuable insight for work on wheat, maize and other grains which, along with rice, provide two-thirds of the world's calories (Cantrel and Reeves 2002, and Serageldin 2002).

Biotechnology engineering in iron-rich rice is likely to be an important factor in "fighting iron deficiency anemia" which affects about 30% of the world's population," mostly women, and is the important nutritional deficiency (Lucca et al. 2002). [For any who doubt the potential nutritional benefits of transgenic technology, The American College of Nutrition's had a Special Supplement in its journal, Journal of the American College of Nutrition titled The Future of Food and Nutrition With Biotechnology with an excellent series of scholarly articles on the many potential nutritional and other health benefits to GM food (Grusak; Harlander; Liu et al.; Lonnerdal; Korban et al. and Rocheford et al. 2002).]

Improving the photosynthetic efficiency of rice has the potential of increasing both nutritional value and enhancing its ability to withstand environmental stress. Harnessing of solar

        energy by photosynthesis depends on a safety valve that effectively eliminates hazardous excess energy and prevents oxidative damage to the plant cells. Many of the compounds that protect plant cells also protect human cells. Improving plant resistance to stress may thus have the beneficial side effect of also improving the nutritional quality of plants in the human diet. The pathways that synthesize these compounds are becoming amenable to genetic manipulation, which may yield benefits as widespread as improved plant stress tolerance and improved human physical and mental health (DemmigAdams and Adams 2002).


        DemmigAdams and Adams add that terms like vitamins

        antioxidants, and phytochemicals are not mutually exclusive. Major groups of phytochemicals (produced by photosynthetic organisms) include isoprenoids, phenolic compounds, sulfur compounds, and essential fatty acids. ... Enhancing the photosynthesizers' own protective systems may also improve the nutritional quality of foods, because fundamental cellular signaling processes and protective mechanisms are highly conserved (DemmigAdams and Adams 2002).


Photosynthesis involves "collection of solar energy and its efficient conversion into chemical energy," a process susceptible "to damage by any excess solar energy." As a result of the "parallel functions of antioxidants in plants and humans, new mechanistic hypotheses should incorporate information from both plant physiology and human physiology" (DemmigAdams and Adams 2002).

        Protecting photosynthesis in the face of environmental stress as well as protecting human health against environmental or pathological stress requires improved understanding of molecular functions and the inter-section between stress, disease, and physiology for both plants and humans (DemmigAdams and Adams 2002).


6) Globally the trade issues surrounding biotech are becoming more critical. The United States has finally decided to challenge the European Union under the rules governing the WTO on the various forms from moratoriums to costly labeling requirements to restrict the importation of transgenic food crops and to protect European agriculture. New Zealand along with a number of other countries has chosen to join in as a third party supporting the US case. The outcome of this case has major implications for biotech development throughout the entire world.

Under the rules of the WTO, the EU must justify their protectionist policies based on sound science. Every country has an absolute right to defend the health and well being of its citizens and their environment. But any country or group of countries has to demonstrate the science of their claim of harm. If the WTO adheres to its own rules then there is no question that the United States will win this case. Never in my entire life have I been involved in a controversy in which the science and the scientists are so overwhelmingly on one side of the debate. If the EU was really interested in ascertaining the safety of transgenic food and food crops, it need only consult with its own quality scientists and scientific organizations. The verdict is clear, there has never been a safer, more predictable form of plant breeding than transgenics. Never has there been a greater potential for the rapid transformation of agriculture to the benefit of all humankind. The stakes in this contest are not trivial.

If the Europeans are successful in using pseudo-science to defend protectionist policies than it could well open the floodgates to restrict imports on a number of technologies of potential benefit to poor countries. A consequence could be that new technologies that hold enormous potential for addressing the world's problems would be held hostage to the whims of governments that do not have the courage to stand up to the threats of special interest groups.
With the overwhelming preponderance of evidence on our side, it is a battle that we should be able to win if we have the courage and fortitude to engage in it. It is a battle to create a rule-based system of trade governed by practices in which differences are settled by reasoned discourse and verifiable evidence and which all can benefit from the advances in scientific inquiry.

A Closing Note to the Agriculture Meeting

You as agricultural scientists have chosen a noble calling, that of working to find better ways to feed your fellow human beings. These must be trying times for you. Those who have done nothing to help feed others and worked to impede your efforts, claim a moral high ground and condemn your efforts with any number of vile epitaphs. You are judged guilty of every crime imaginable and your scientific inquiry as well as that of your colleagues in other sciences is condemned as being reductionist.

A boundless sense of wonder and curiosity has led you as scientists to ask many questions of why and how and what next? It is out of this spirit of questioning that the active, problem solving human mind has expanded the scope of human understanding, created science and technology and in the process made a better life for all of us. This advancing knowledge has led to dramatic reductions in disease and death, provided better food and nutrition for an growing population and expanded and bettered all aspects of human life.

Science offers the possibility to be a transcultural unifying force in a diverse world. Critics may point to its shortcomings, which are many as is the case for any human endeavor but science and the scientific method offer a hope of overcoming the barriers that have historically divided us.

Many of you pursue your dreams of improved food supply using the tools of molecular biology. Scientific inquiry offers a unique vision of the human condition that its critics can't comprehend. This 50th anniversary year of your society is also the 50th anniversary of the Watson/Critic papers in Nature (April 25 and May 30, 1953) on the double helix structure of DNA. To some, this is the ultimate in "reductionist science" in spite of the stream of advances in medicine that have followed from it. To others, the knowledge that has flowed from molecular biology and DNA research offers new possibilities for understanding ourselves. The philosopher, Meera Nanda suggests that it would be "interesting" to see the reaction of "untouchables" to the "knowledge that DNA material ... has the same composition in all living beings, be it brahmin or bacterium. Or what would a women do with the knowledge that it is the chromosome in sperm that determines the sex of the new born?" (Nanda 1991, 38).

May we add that over 99.9% of the human genome is shared by all human beings and of the less than 0.1% that differentiate us, only about 3 to 5% of that is between groups with about 95% being intra group variation (Rosenberg et al. 2002). Not only, is the genome that unites us as humans, vastly greater than that which differentiates us but the portion of the genome that defines our individual biological differences within our culture is itself, vastly greater than the minuscule portion of the genome, 0.05%, that defines differences between groups (Rosenberg et al. 2002, King et al. 2002 and Wade 2002). In my judgment, this vision of the fundamental unity of humans and life in general, when combined with the advances in human life and health, offer the best hope we humans have for our future and for those who come after us.

I thank you!

Addendum on Transgenics for Reference

Throughout human history, agricultural crops have been genetically modified one way or another. There is nothing "natural" about our food crops as most of them would be unable to either propagate or survive without human intervention. What has changed over the years is the technology that has been used to bring about the genetic modification.

In general, humans have undertaken one of three methods to genetically modify plants:

Conventional breeding: Formerly, farmers practiced selective breeding and cross breeding or what we call conventional breeding. Conventional breeding is less precise and predictable and therefore the less safe than genetic modification or more correctly, transgenic plant breeding. The process has worked well, as humans using conventional plant breeding were able through time to increase the yields in agriculture and either support a larger population and/or improve human nutrition. The high yielding dwarf varieties of wheat and rice that produced the Green Revolution were the result of conventional breeding.

Down to the 20th century, most plant breeding was largely a matter of selection and cross breeding. Occasionally crosses between separate species were made, either as a result of human action or some unexplained "natural" happening. Wheat is a product of two or three different transpecies crosses of plant with different chromosomal structures.

During the 1920s, advanced pollination techniques were used to create hybrid maize, a major but accepted genetic modification, which far outyielded normal or "natural" maize. However, seed saved from hybrid maize for planting reverts to its original parents and yields much less than the hybrid. This means the farmer has to buy new seed each year but the increased yield normally makes that effort worthwhile many times over. Hybrid maize has become the number one food crop of Africa.

Mutagenesis: The next method to follow in this technology continuum involved the use of nuclear radiation or chemical mutagens to bring about mutations. This method is called mutagenesis, and has the least predictable outcome of all forms of plant breeding, but the technology is accepted and has escaped the label of "genetic modification," presumably because these techniques have been around for more than half a century. The only advantage of the powerful, and sometimes lethal, genetic mutagens, is that they produce a great many more mutations than occur naturally, thus generating the variability that breeders need for introducing new characteristics into their plants. The Food and Agriculture Organization/ International Atomic Energy Agency's Mutant Varieties Database Register (December 2000) lists over 2252 crops in over 70 countries in which these mutant varieties are listed. Key varieties are grown and/or eaten in virtually every country. The barley used in commercial beers around the world as well as the wheats used to make pasta are all products of radiation mutation breeding.

Genetic engineering: With the discovery of the structure of DNA in the 1950s followed by a greatly improved understanding of the process of inheritance, the way became clear for transgenic technology or genetic engineering. This enabled desirable characteristics expressed by a gene or small group of genes from any organism to be specifically transferred to another organism. This is done under precisely controlled conditions, under which the gene, together with a marker, is incorporated in plant tissue, which is then grown in tissue culture to produce plants. At this stage the plant is subject to initial evaluation, ensuring that the gene has indeed transferred successfully and stably, produces the desired trait and there are no unintended effects on plant growth or quality.

The gene transfer process is far more precise than the other accepted procedures and permits desirable plant transformations to be performed that have not been possible using conventional breeding.

Half a million children in less developed countries become blind through Vitamin A deficiency every year. To combat this, expensive and cumbersome food supplement programs are put in place but even so are not wholly successful. Conventional plant breeding has been applied to this problem for many years without success. Genetic engineering has produced yellow rice with enhanced Vitamin A precursor level through the introduction of genes from the daffodil and a bacterium. Where rice is the staple diet, this new quality should contribute to ridding the less developed countries of the scourge of this particular blindness.

Populist Fears of the Dangers of "Frankenfoods."

Genetic modification or engineering of crop plants has generated far more adverse reactions than the informed guesswork that preceded it. The fears are based on the extraordinary power of this new technology, but are rationalized to concentrate principally on two factors:

* concern for human health;
* concern for the environment.

Exhaustive tests have been carried out to determine if genetically modified crops carry an increased risk of allergic reactions or other effects in people eating them. There is no evidence so far that this or any other adverse reaction or nutritional problem has been caused in people eating these crops after the nearly ten years of production on over 400 million acres which has been consumed by over one billion people. Transgenics is increasingly involved in the discovery and creation of new pharmaceuticals and transgenic enzymes and bacterium are involved in the production of most of the cheeses, breads, wines, beers and vitamins that many consume on a daily basis including those most opposed to the technology.

Damage to the environment has been postulated to be a possible result of growing transgenic crops. The fears include the escape of genes into related wild plants, adverse effects of insect toxins (in the case of crops with the Bt gene) on desirable insects, transfer of antibiotic resistance. While these may be theoretical possibilities, no significant detrimental effects have been detected, largely because these genes, that can transfer to closely related plants do not have any negative impact, even if transferred, because the Bt genes and encoded proteins do not negatively effect non-target creatures and because the antibiotic resistance genes are already prevalent in the soil, in the human gut and throughout the environment.

Several factors lessen the likelihood of damage to the environment, demanding a case-by-case analysis. Some crop plants and their wild relatives are selfpollinated, so there is no opportunity for gene transfer to take place. Current work to insert the novel genes into the plastid further reduces the likelihood of gene transfer (Day, 2003, see also Gallie 2003 and Timmis 2003). Others have no wild relatives in the local flora so the local environment does not have suitable plants as recipients of these genes. Transfer of antibiotic resistance from transgenic plants into the soil micro flora is very unlikely and has not been convincingly demonstrated. Even if there were transfer, these genes are ubiquitous in the soil microflora already.

If there are any two things that the public in developed countries have phobias about, they are "chemicals" (which has become a code word for industrially produced chemicals) which are all assumed to be carcinogenic and radiation which is assumed to cause cancer and mutations. Most of these phobias have been carefully promoted by the same NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) that attack transgenic breeding so one wonders why they are so extremely silent about the use of "chemicals" and radiation in plant breeding, particularly when they also actively oppose the use of irradiation of foods to kill microorganisms (a technique of food protection that has been used for over 40 years). Starting with a blank slate of public opinion on plant breeding, it would be far easier to frighten people about chemical and radiation breeding than about the insertion of a single gene plus a promoter and a marker. The promoter is simply a DNA sequence which allows the gene to be expressed while current techniques require the use of marker genes. Clearly, there is an element of opportunism in the opposition to transgenic technologies in food production.


The process and result of genetic modification have been subject to the closest scrutiny by the world's best scientists. These plants and the foods derived from them are among the most extensively tested plants and foods that have been developed, to assure the consumers that these products are safe to the environment and to consume. In a joint report issued in July 2000, The National Academies of Brazil, China, India, Mexico, United States, United Kingdom and the Third World Academy of Sciences concluded: "It is critical that the potential benefits of GM technology become available to developing countries" (RS et al. 2000)

They also "conclude that steps must be taken to meet the urgent need for sustainable practices in world agriculture if the demands of an expanding world population are to be met without destroying the environment or natural resource base. In particular, GM technology coupled with important developments in other areas should be used to increase the production of main food staples, improve the efficiency of production, reduce the environmental impact of agriculture and provide access to food for small scale farmers" (RS et al. 2000).


Cantrell, Ronald P. and Timothy G. Reeves. 2002. The Rice Genome: The Cereal of the World's Poor Takes Center Stage, Science 296(5565):53, 5 April.

CNS. 1998. Environmental Pollution and Degradation Causes 40 Percent of Deaths Worldwide, Cornell Study Finds, Cornell News Service, 30 September.

Day, Anil. 2003. Jumping into the Nucleus Silences Plastid Genes, ISB News Report (Information Systems for Biotechnology), June.

DeGregori, Thomas R. 1985. A Theory of Technology: Continuity and Change in Human Development. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.

DeGregori, Thomas R. 2001. Agriculture and Modern Technology: A Defense, Ames: Iowa State University Press.

DeGregori, Thomas R. 2002a. The Environment, Our Natural Resources, and Modern Technology. Ames: Iowa State Press, A Blackwell Scientific Publisher.

DeGregori, Thomas R. 2003. Origins of the Organic Agriculture Debate. Ames: Iowa State Press, A Blackwell Scientific Publisher.

DemmigAdams, Barbara and William W. Adams III. 2002. Antioxidants in Photosynthesis and Human Nutrition, Science 298(5601):21492153, 13 December.

FAO. 2003. Unlocking the Water Potential of Agriculture. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Gallie, Daniel R. 2003. Increasing Vitamin C Content of Plants Through Enhanced Ascorbate Recycling, ISB News Report (Information Systems for Biotechnology) June.

Goff, Stephen A.; Darrell Ricke; TienHung Lan; Gernot Presting; Ronglin Wang; Molly Dunn; Jane Glazebrook; Allen Sessions; Paul Oeller; Hemant Varma; David Hadley; Don Hutchison; Chris Martin; Fumiaki Katagiri; B. Markus Lange; Todd Moughamer; Yu Xia; Paul Budworth; Jingping Zhong; Trini Miguel; Uta Paszkowski; Shiping Zhang; Michelle Colbert; Weilin Sun; Lili Chen; Bret Cooper; Sylvia Park; Todd C. Wood; Long Mao; Peter Quail; Rod Wing; Ralph Dean; Yeisoo Yu; Andrey Zharkikh; Richard Shen; Sudhir Sahasrabudhe; Alun Thomas; Rob Cannings; Alexander Gutin; Dmitry Pruss; Julia Reid; Sean Tavtigian; Jeff Mitchell; Glenn Eldredge; Terri Scholl; Rose Mary Miller; Satish Bhatnagar; Nils Adey; Todd Rubano; Nadeem Tusneem; Rosann Robinson; Jane Feldhaus; Teresita Macalma; Arnold Oliphant; and Steven Briggs. 2002. A Draft Sequence of the Rice Genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica), Science 296(5565):92-100, 5 April.

Grusak, Michael A. 2002. Enhancing Mineral Content in Plant Food Products, Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Special Supplement  The Future of Food and Nutrition With Biotechnology) 21(3):178S183S, June.

Harlander, Susan K. 2002. The Evolution of Modern Agriculture and Its Future with Biotechnology, Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Special SupplementThe Future of Food and Nutrition With Biotechnology) 21(3):161S165S, June.

ICS (International Council for Science). 2003. New Genetics, Food and Agriculture: Scientific Discoveries - Societal Dilemmas. Paris, France: International Council for Science [ICS represents more than 100 science academies, including the US National Academy of Science and the UK's Royal Society. Its study draws together evidence from all leading reviews of GM crops to see where the consensus].

James, Clive. 2002. Global Status of Commercialized Transgenic Crops. Ithaca, New York: The International Service for the Acquisition of Agribiotech Applications (ISAAA), ISAAA Briefs No. 27.

King, MaryClaire and Arno G. Motulsky. 2002. Human Genetics: Mapping Human History, Science 298(5602):23422343, 20 December.

Korban, Schuyler S.; Sergei F. Krasnyanski, and Dennis E. Buetow. 2002. Foods as Production and Delivery Vehicles for Human Vaccines, Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Special Supplement  The Future of Food and Nutrition With Biotechnology) 21(3):212S217S, June.

Liu, Qing; Surinder Singh, and Allan Green. 2002. HighOleic and HighStearic Cottonseed Oils: Nutritionally Improved Cooking Oils Developed Using Gene Silencing, Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Special SupplementThe Future of Food and Nutrition With Biotechnology) 21(3):205S211S, June.

Lonnerdal, Bo. 2002. Expression of Human Milk Proteins in Plants, Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Special Supplement  The Future of Food and Nutrition With Biotechnology) 21(3):218S221S, June.

Lucca, Paola; Richard Hurrell and Ingo Potrykus. 2002. Fighting Iron Deficiency Anemia with IronRich Rice, Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Special SupplementThe Future of Food and Nutrition With Biotechnology) 21(3):184S190S, June.

Nanda, Meera. 1991. Is Modern Science a Western Patriarchal Myth? A Critique of the Populist Orthodoxy, South Asian Bulletin XI(1&2):32-61.

Powell, Kendall. 2002. Rice Genes Removed: New Method Aids Gene Study in Cereal Plants, Nature online, 9 September.

Qaim, M. and D. Zilberman. 2003. Yield Effects of Genetically Modified Crops in Developing Countries. Science 299(5608:900902, 7 February.

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Thomas R. DeGregori, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
University of Houston
Department of Economics
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