Music of the Twentieth Century II: Music After 1945
Musi 4365: Spring 2006 (section #12889)

Dr. Tim Koozin
Moores School of Music   
University of Houston

web page:
email:   phone: 743-3318    office: 148
office hours: Wednesday and Friday 10:00 and by appt.


Prerequisite: MUSI 4364, Music of the Twentieth Century I or MUSI 3210, Twentieth-Century Techniques

Required readings and listening assignments will be available through library reserve. Click here for Ereserve readings.

    Daily work and quizzes 25%    (Includes written assignments and preparation for class discussions)
    Midterm 25%      (Friday, March 10)
    Term Paper 25%  (Abstract, outline and bibliography due Wednesday, March 8. Final paper due Wednesday, April 12.)
    Final Exam 25%

Last day to drop without a grade: February 14      Last day to drop or withdraw: April 4


Write a paper approximately 12 pages in length (double-spaced typed) on a focused topic that relates to our class. Begin your inquiry with composers represented on the class Listening List. Listen to representative pieces and seek out pertinent readings. Your goal is to formulate a focused historical or analytical topic and develop it in a thoughtful, well-organized paper. Your bibliography should include a minimum of ten sources. It should include readings which place works in historical context as well as sources which provide analytical perspectives.

You are encouraged to meet with me individually as your work progresses.

Abstract, outline and bibliography due: Wednesday, March 8. (This material will be shared with classmates via our class website.)

Final draft due: Wednesday, April 12.

Topics and Readings (subject to change)

1. Introduction: Before World War II  

Morgan, Modern Times, Ch 1, "The Modern Age," p. 1-19  

2. Debussy, Messiaen, and Takemitsu

"Debussy" in The New Grove Online  
Jan Pasler. "Debussy, Jeux:
Playing with Time and Form," 19th Century Music, vi.1 (1982), 60-75.
Messiaen and Takemitsu: Readings by Koozin and others

3. Stravinsky's influnce on later composers

"Stravinsky" in The New Grove Online  
Cross. The Stravinsky Legacy, Ch 1, "Block Forms"  
Edward T. Cone, "Stravinsky: The Progress of a Method," Perspectives of New Music 1/1 (Fall 1962): 18-26.  

4. Serialism after WW II

Paul Griffiths. Modern Music: The Avant Garde Since 1945. Ch 3, "Darmstadt/Paris, 1951-2" (handout provided)
Elliott Antokoletz, Twentieth-Century Music, Ch 16, "Varied approaches to the twelve-tone principle and rhythmic formulization in the United States." (E-reserve)

Midterm: Friday, March 10

5. Chance, Improvisation,, Open Form, and Minimalism    Listening List

Elliott Antokoletz, Twentieth-Century Music, Ch 19 (E-reserve in two files)
Morton Feldman, "The Anxiety of Art" in Morton Feldman Essays (E-reserve)
Timothy Johnson. "Minimalism: Aethetic, Style, or Technique?," Musical Quarterly 78/4 (Winter, 1994), 742-773. (E-reserve)
Mervyn Cooke, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Opera, "Minimalist Opera" (E-reserve)

Guest speaker: Stephen Montague, Monday, April 3. (See Stephen Montague's orchestra and choir work "Dark Sun", Friday April 7th at 7:30pm in the Moores Opera House.)

Final draft of term paper due Wednesday, April 12

6.Some final topics and listening:


Some important American composers:

Some important Eastern European composers

Toru Takemitsu

Final Exam

Listening Items and Readings on Reserve (to be augmented regularly)


Pelléas et Mélisande (CD 1705, CD 511, Videocassette 1282. See also "Opera Explained: DEBUSSY - Pelleas et Melisande," Naxos 8.558172)
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune (CD 8225, CD 673, Naxos 8.550262)  Score: M1002.D28P73 1932x 
Preludes, Selections from Book 1 (CD535). Especially book 1, nos. 2 & 10, book 2, nos.1 & 12.
Jeux (CD1008, CD 7588) Score: M1520.D28 J4 1914
Nocturnes, “Sirènes” (CD 7588, CD 1008, Naxos 8.550262)
La Mer (CD 7588, CD 1008, CD 1930, Naxos 8.550262)   Score: M1002.D28M4 1970   

Discussed in the Jonathan Cross reading:

Stravinsky. Petrushka (CD 8223) Norton critical score: M1520.S9 P3 1967
Stravinsky. Le sacre du printemps (CD 8223) Score: M1520.S9 V47 1967   
Varése. Déserts, Poeme électronique, Amériques (CD 4371)
George Antheil . Ballet méchanique (CD 4618)
Messiaen. Coleurs de la Cité celeste (CD 3522)  M985.M48C6
Stockhausen. Klavierstsück IX (CD 2579) Score:  M25.S86 no.9, 1967 
Stockausen. Momente (CD 5982)
Tippett. King Priam (CD 3511), (video 1660) Score: M1503.T595.K52 1962
Birtwistle. Carmen arcadiae mechanicae perpetuum (CD 849)

Discussed in the Edward T. Cone reading:

Stravinsky. Symphonies of Wind Instruments (CD 7825) Score: M957.S93 S9 2001)
Stravinsky. Symphony of Psalms (CD 7825) Score: M2020.S882 S95 1948a

European Serialism after World War II

CD-3521  Olivier Messiaen, Modes et valeurs díintensities
CD-2262  Pierre Boulez, Structures 1a
CD-1844  Pierre Boulez, La marteau sans maître
LP-1091  Karlheinz Stockhausen, Kreuzspiel; Zeitmasze
CD-2579  Karlheinz Stockhausen, Klavierstücke XI
LP-2883  Karlheinz Stockhausen, Gruppen
LP-482    Karlheinz Stockhausen, Mantra

Reading:  Salzman, Ch 14
              Robin Maconie, The Works of Karlheinz  Stockhausen, selections

Serialism in America after World War II

CD-991    Milton Babbitt, Three Compositions for Piano (M25.B105 C6 1957)
CD-991    Milton Babbitt, Compositios for Twelve Instruments
CD 1238   Milton Babbitt, Philomel
CD-3523  Milton Babbitt, All Set
CD-575, 5425  Roger Sessions, Third Piano Sonata
CD-1019  Igor Stravinsky, In Memoriam Dylan Thomas
CD-1560, 1646   Igor Stravinsky, Canticum Sacrum
CD 1643, 4645 Igor Stravinsky, Three Songs from William Shakespeare
CD-1637, 907   Igor Stravinsky, Agon
CD-1640  Igor Stravinsky, Movements
CD-1553  Igor Stravinsky, Requiem Canticles
CD-25      Aaron Copland, Piano Variations
CD-1258  Aaron Copland, Piano Fantasy
CD 2272  Stephan Wolpe, Form for piano
CD-3468  Elliott Carter, Variations for Orchestra
CD-902    Elliott Carter, String Quartet No. 2
CD-1366  Elliott Carter, A Mirror on Which to Dwell
CD 5708  Elliott Carter, Symphonia : sum fluxae pretium spei
CD 1361  Dan Welcher  Concerto for clarinet and orchestra

             Elliott Antokoletz, Twentieth-Century Music, Ch 16, "Varied approaches to the twelve-tone principle and rhythmic formulization in the United States."
             Andrew Mead. An Introduction to the Music of Milton Babbitt. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1994.
             Christopher Wintle. "Milton Babbitt's “Semi-Simple Variations," Perspectives of New Music 14-15 (1976): 128.
             Joseph Straus, "Stravinsky's Construction of Twelve Verticals: An Aspect of Harmony in the Serial Music," Spectrum 21/1 (1999)
             Joseph Straus, Stravinsky's Late Music. (Cambridge University Press, 2001)
             David Schiff, The Music of Elliott Carter (ML410.C3293 S34 1998)

Chance, Improvisation, Open Forms, and Minimalism

CD 8512  John Cage, Bacchanale     M25.C24XB3
CD 2237   John Cage, Amores and Imaginary Landscple No. 2
CD-2210  John Cage, Construction No. 3
CD-850    John Cage, Sonatas and Interludes
CD 2686   John Cage, Music of changes
CD-5040  Morton Feldman, Coptic Light
CD 5018  Morton Feldman, The King of Denmark
CD-5014  Morton Feldman, Rothko Chapel
CD 6127   Morton Feldman, String quartet
CD 3703  Luciano Berio, Circles
CD 4719  György Ligeti, Volumina for organ
CD 5722  Krzysztof Penderecki, Fluorescences for orchestra

CD-892       Terry Riley, In C
CD-853       Steve Reich, Come Out
CD-3779     Steve Reich, Drumming Music
CD-4556     Steve Reich, Eight Lines
CD 7848     Steve Reich, Music for 18 musicians
CD-3909     Steve Reich, Violin Phase
CD-5043     Steve Reich, Different Trains
CD 893       Steve Reich,Tehillim
CD-5008    Philip Glass, Einstein on the Beach, Videocassette 1785
CD 1269     JohnAdams, Harmonielehre
CD-2541     John Adams, Grand Pianola Music
CD-3518     John Adams, Phrygian Gates
CD 1835     John Adams, Nixon in China
CD 3571     Michael Torke, The yellow pages

Videos:    John Cage: I have nothing to say and I'm saying it
              John Cage / Merce Cunningham

More works and readings will be posted here.

Listening Reserve List (mostly works composed after 1945)

CD-2541     Adams, Grand Pianola Music
CD-3518     Adams, Phrygian Gates
personal      Anderson, O Superman
CD-5015     Anderson, The Ugly One with the Jewels and other stories
CD-991       Babbitt, Three Compositions for Piano
CD-3523     Babbitt, All Set
CD-991       Babbitt, Semi-Simple Variations
CD-920       Babbitt, Philomel
CD-239       Berio, Sinfonia
CD-4772     Berio, Omaggio a Joyce
on order       Birtwistle, Punch and Judy
CD-1844     Boulez, Le marteau sans maitre
CD-2559     Boulez, Pli selon pli
CD-2262     Boulez, Structures 1a
CD-2845     Britten, A Midsummer Night's Dream
CD-2237     Cage, Amores
CD-2210     Cage, Construction No. 3
CD-850       Cage, Sonatas and Interludes
CD-1366     Carter, A Mirror on Which to Dwell
CD-902       Carter, String Quartet No. 2
CD-3468     Carter, Variations for Orchestra
CD-1258     Copland, Piano Fantasy
CD-2697     Cowell, Tiger, Aeolian Harp, The Banshee for piano
CD-2554     Crumb, Macrocosmos 1
CD-4773     Crumb, Ancient Voices of Children
CD-335       Davidovsky, Synchronisms No. 6
CD-341       Davies, Eight Songs for a Mad King
CD-5040     Feldman, Coptic Light
CD-5018     Feldman, The King of Denmark (LP-4187)
CD-5014     Feldman, Rothko Chapel
on order      Ferneyhough, La chute díicare
CD-5008     Glass, Einstein on the Beach
CD-5010     Glass, Songs from Liquid Days
CD-3401     Lansky, Word Color
CD-851       Ligeti, Atmospheres
CD-851       Ligeti, Lontano
CD-1449     Johnston, Fourth String Quartet: Amazing Grace
CD-1031     Lutoslawski, Concerto for Orchestra
CD-3679     Lutoslawski, String Quartet
CD-3521     Messiaen, Modes de valeurs et díintensities
CD-3538     Messiaen, Catalogue díOiseaux (Books 1-3)
CD-5009     Messiaen, Chronochromie
CD-2751     Messiaen, Turangalila Symphony
CD-5038     Monk, Atlas
on order      Naancarrow, Player Piano Studies
CD-852       Pärt, Miserere
on order      Partch, The Bewitched
CD-859       Penderecki, Threnody
CD-855       Penderecki, Cello Concerto
CD-3753     Perle, Six Etudes
CD-853       Reich, Come Out
CD-3779     Reich, Drumming Music
CD-4556     Reich, Eight Lines
CD-3909     Reich, Violin Phase
CD-5043     Reich, Different Trains
CD-892       Riley, In C
CD-5013     Riley, Cadenza on the Night Plain
CD-779       Rochberg, Music for the Magic Theatre
CD-4515     Rochberg, String Quartet No. 3
on order      Rzewski, Four North American Ballads
CD-4785     Rzewski, The People United Will Never Be Defeated
CD-2828     Schaeffer, Etude aux chemins de fer
CD-3934     Schoenberg, Phantasy for Violin and Piano, Op. 47
on order      Schwantner, Aftertones of Infinity
CD-345      Sessions, Third Piano Sonata
CD-889      Shostakovich, String Quartet No. 12
LP-6044     Stockhausen, Gesang der Junglinge
LP-1091     Stockhausen, Zeitmasze
LP-2883     Stockhausen, Gruppen
CD-2579     Stockhausen, Klavierstück XI
CD-3933     Stockhausen, Kontakte
LP-4820     Stockhausen, Mantra
CD-3933     Stockhausen, Zyklus
CD-868       Stockhausen, Licht (Donnerstag)
CD-3786     Stravinsky, Agon
CD-4645     Stravinsky, In Memoriam Dylan Thomas
CD-1646     Stravinsky, Canticum Sacrum
CD-1640     Stravinsky, Movements for Piano and Orchestra
CD-2470     Subotnick, All my hummingbirds have alibis
CD-2080     Takemitsu, For Away, Les yeux clos II
CD-3484     Takemitsu, November Steps
on order      Tower, Petroushkates
CD-4371     Varèse, Octandre, Ionisation
CD-4371     Varèse, Déserts for tape, winds, brass, and percussion
CD-4371     Varèse, Poèm électronique
LP-2943     Xenakis, Pithoprakta
CD-838       Zwilich, Symphony No. 1