In August, 1994, Hugh Walker (Physics),  Bernard Robin (Curriculum and Instruction), Dan Davison (Biochemistry), Howard Jares (Computing Center), Robert Miller (Curriculum and Instruction), and John Butler (Geosciences), all of whom were intrigued by the teaching and learning potential of the Internet,  met for lunch at an off-campus sandwich shop to swap information, ideas, and war stories.  We agreed that, unlike the Gopher protocol with its underlying structure, we were more like moles as we tunneled through cyberspace with seemingly random intersections.  This was the first meeting of the UH mole.

	In the past the UH Moles  met about two times per semester.  We are curious as to the need for such forums and will try meeting about twice a month to assess the interest level.

Meetings of the Moles

Until announced otherwise, all Mole Meetings will take place in room 327 of Farish Hall at Noon. Sara McNeil and Bernard Robin have been kind enough to share some of their space with the campus community. Food and drink are permitted but please clean up your litter.

Eat Lunch With A Mole ....
The Odd Friday Symposia

Moles - Academic Year 2000-2001

    Sept 15 - Donna Smith and Phil Ruthstrom from the Teachers and Technology Project -

    Getting Started with Power Point

    Sept 29 - Information Technology - Who We Are and What We Do

    Oct 13 - Bernard Robin, College of Education - Communication Techniques

    Nov 17 - Distance Education - Who We Are and What We Do

    Dec 8 - Show and Tell

UH (and other) Resources

  1. Course Resources on the Web
    See what types of resources your colleagues have developed for their students.

  2. Faculty Computing Account Information
    You can request forms for general computing account and/or a web server account on Mariposa (geek speek for the UH web server).

  3. Syllabi of Fall 1999 Distance Education Courses
    See what your colleagues are doing

  4. Training at UH
    "We offer a variety of free non-credit introductory computer courses on topics such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Web design, as well as courses on Windows 95, Eudora, and similar topics."

  5. World Lecture Hall
    Maintained at U. Texas @ Austin -- self-nominated Internet-based resource sites covering just about any discipline you can think of.
Source of Mole Inspiration