Igneous Rocks


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Table of Contents

Igneous Rocks

Plate Tectonics

Melting Within the Earth

The Geothermal Gradient


Partial Melting

Partial Melting

Magmas and Lavas

Cooling Rate

Texture and Cooling Rate

Textures of Igneous Rocks

Variations in Texture

Porphyritic Texture

Variations in Igneous Rocks

Obsidian is a Natural Glass

Mineralogy - Variation in Temperature

Crystallization Sequences

Bowenís Reaction Series


Mineral Assemblages - I

Mineral Assemblages - II

Classification of Igneous Rocks

Names of Igneous Rocks

Plate Tectonics - Divergent

Plate Tectonics - Subduction

Effect of Water on Melting

Evolution of Magmas

Crystal Fractionation

Magmatic Differentiation

Magma Mixing and Assimilation

Magmatic Migration

Shapes of Intrusive Bodies

A Hypothetical Cross Section

Palisades Sill, New York

Cross Section Through a Sill

Dikes - Cut Across Surrounding Material

Sills Are Enclosed by Surrounding Materials

Sill in Glacier National Park

Laccolith in Glacier Park

Feeder Pipe and Geologist

Plate Tectonic Setting

Magma Chamber - Ridge

Magma Chamber - Subduction

Author: John C Butler

Email: jbutler@uh.edu