Minerals - Building Blocks of Rocks


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Table of Contents


Minerals - Building Blocks of Rocks

States of Matter


Two Views of an Atom

Atomic Number and Mass Number

Hydrogen Isotopes

Contents of the Nucleus

Naturally Occurring Elements


Quantum Mechanics

Chemical Elements

Chemical Elements Continued


Valence Electrons

Periodic Properties

Periodic Table

Chemical Bonding

Ionic Bonds

Covalent Bonds

Packing Models

Open Spaces in Packing Models

Tetrahedral, Octahedral and Cubic Coordinatons

Coordination Numbers

Pressure and Temperature

Packing Model of NaCl

Stick and Ball Model - NaCl


Liquid Solution

Solid Solution

Abundant Elements

PPT Slide

Relative Sizes of Ions

Physical Properties

Mohís Hardness Scale Relative Scale

Cleavage Fragments of Calcite

Common Minerals

Silicate Minerals

Silicon-Oxygen Tetrahedron

The Tetrahedron

Silicate Structures

Silicate Structural Types

Silicates - Distribution

Author: John C Butler

Email: jbutler@uh.edu