Glaciers - The Work of Ice


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Glaciers - The Work of Ice


Modern Ice Sheets

Formation of Glaciers (I)

Ice Layers

Variation in Snowline Position

Metamorphism of Snow

Glacial Ice

Formation of Glaciers (II)

Plastic Flow of Ice

Accumulation Versus Ablation

Glacial Flow - Plastic Slip

Glacial Flow - Basal Slip


Longitudinal Variation

Formation of Glaciers (III)

Origin of ìRoche Moutoneeî

Glacier Types

Valley Glaciers

Glacial Erosion

Glacial Striations

ìUî-Shaped Valley




Glacial Modifications

Maximum Glaciation

Hanging Valley

Depositional Features

Glacial Till Deposit (I)

Distribution of Glacial Features

Moraines (I)

Moraines (II)


Glacial Erratic

Development of a Kettle


Glacial Deposits

Advancing Ice

Glacier in Retreat

Pleistocene Glaciation

Variation in Sea Level

Studying Glacial Time Periods

Effect of Changes in Sea Level

Pluvial Lakes

Isostatic Rebound

Paleozoic Reconstruction

Distribution of Permian Ice

Causes of Glaciation

Changes in the Earthís Orbit

Changes Over Time

Ocean Drilling Program - ODP

Location of the Study Area

Ice-Rafted Debris

Deposition of Debris

Marine Life Forms

Obtain the % of Ice-Rafted Debris

Note Increase in IRD at ~115 m

Evaporation Removes More O16 than O18

O18 Concentrated in Cool Sea Water

Temperatures Began Cool off about 3 Million Years Ago

Final Data Set

Author: John C Butler
