UH Today News

Office of Internal Communications

Houston, TX 77204-5017 Fax: 713.743.8196

August 29, 2006


Many University of Houston phones received one or more voicemail messages over the weekend requesting recipients go to a Web site, www.freedomcard.com, to obtain their prescription cards. This message did not originate from the UH and is not an official communication from university. It is a spam message, and UH recipients should not go to the Web site given.

As with spam e-mail messages, any spam messages received via voicemail should be treated with the same degree of caution. This is a new form of spam delivered by voicemail rather than e-mail, and faculty and staff may receive other similar messages of this type in the future.

The Department of Information Technology (IT) is investigating the message and its origination, and is evaluating measures to prevent future occurrences.

Contact the IT Support Center at 713-743-1411 or e-mail support@uh.edu for more information.

Bill Ashley