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Current Students

Information for Students

Innovative research and breakthrough applications are the signature of the Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering, where students develop the analytical and practical expertise needed to excel as leaders in diverse technology fields. We help students identify the career that inspires them. Experienced and committed faculty members bring countless hours of real-world work experience into our labs and classrooms. Our Graduates ultimately find mentors, internships and jobs through the strong connections they make here.

Regardless of your degree choice here in the Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering, you will emerge with the education that helps you to succeed. If you decide to join one of our many student organizations or are interested in research opportunities, we have a lot to offer you. Our exceptional academic advisers are here to help you succeed, through to graduation and into your career.

We are more than 5,700 students learning to make the world run-better, faster, smarter. And we want you to join us.