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Peer Observation and Evaluation Tool (POET)

Pursuant to the merger of the Colleges of Engineering and Technology, information on this section of the website pertaining to Assessment and Accreditation is currently under review. As of now, the information in this section remains accurate and may be applied to the current Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering. For questions or inquiries, contact dean [at] (dean[at]egr[dot]uh[dot]edu).

Peer Teaching Observation Definition: a form of peer review in which one instructor observes another instructor and provides feedback on his/her teaching.

Why participate in peer observation?

  • Offers additional tool for evaluating teaching effectiveness beside traditionally used end of course surveys.
  • Opportunity to create a safe environment to discuss teaching among faculty members.
  • A professional development opportunity for all participants.

Rubric: Northeastern University Department of Pharmacy - Peer Observation Evaluation Tool

To request a peer observation session, please contact Dr. Huda Sarraj at hsarraj [at] (hsarraj[at]uh[dot]edu)