Handbuch Zur Deutschen Grammatik: Wiederholen Und Anwenden
Rankin, Jamie;Wells, Larry  
Handbuch Zur Deutschen Grammatik: Wiederholen Und Anwenden Image Cover
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Genre:German books
Date Added:2012-06-05
LAC code:300007492
Notes: G 154.1

Summary: This intermediate, modular approach to German grammar serves as both reference handbook and practice manual. The organization of the 30 chapters allows instructors to teach sequentially or in modules, as each chapter is self-contained and can be used in any order. The chapter structure provides a presentation of new information, followed by material for oral and written practice: Grammatik (grammar), Worschatz (vocabulary), Übungen (exercises, self-, and small-group practice), Anwendung (application, in-class group activities), Schriftliche Themen (writing topics), and Zusammenfassung (summary).New! An enhanced teaching and learning package includes a new online IRM with test bank, updated audio components, an updated workbook/lab manual, and a new instructor's web site.Revised! The traditionally clear and thorough treatment of grammar now includes new explanations based on reviewer comments.Revised! Examples throughout the text reflect authentic, current language practice and include idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms, as well as lexicon related to technology such as MP3s and cell phones.Pictorial summaries of grammar points at the end of each chapter include the most important grammar elements in a color-coded, at-a-glance format for easy reference.The text follows the rules of the Rechtschreibreform throughout.