Psychology 4306 Community Service Practica (Spring-Summer-Fall 2006),


Prerequisites: Some prerequisites may be waived for otherwise qualified students.

For majors in psychology, social science, pre-law or other majors with rational for applying.
A minimum of 15 credits [one semester] completed at UH.
Successful completion of Research Methods, or alternative methods course or corequisite.
A cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher [Can be waived by Dr. Lachman for special circumstances, veteran etc.
Recommendation from a faculty sponsor [If you do not have a faculty sponsor, Dr. Lachman will sponsor you].
Interview required and it’s a good idea to prepare and submit a resume.
Commitment of 8 to 10 hours per week.

Qualities Required:

Dependable, Ethical, Self Starter, Good Listening Skills, Teachable, Teamwork Oriented, Flexible.

Purpose of Internship:

You will learn how law and psychology operate in the real world. You will achieve a detailed understanding of the child protection systems in Houston and nationally. You will learn how successful child protection works. You will observe the system failures that result in abused children not being protected by the agencies mandated by law to protect them. You will participate in JFC interventions on behalf of abused children.

Qualified interns will become involved in the daily business of child advocacy including case summaries, answering the hotline, contacting outside agencies, communicating with clients, research, and court watch.  Interns will be provided guidance and supervision by social caseworkers, an attorney and a businessman.  Interns will make a difference by advising clients and making intervention phone calls to police, prosecution and social service agencies.  You will also achieve a complete view of Justice For Children functions and how the organization is able to effectively advocate and protect the most unheard members of our society, our children.

Each intern will be assigned responsibilities in case advocacy, which may include but is not limited to:
1. Receive incoming calls from protective parents whose children are being criminally abused.
2. Review case files for completeness and enter information on our database.
3. Perform actual casework - from the office - no travel required.
a. Help the client fill in gaps in the file.
b. Write and or call CPS workers, prosecutors, ad litem lawyers, psychologists, doctors, hospitals, police, and any other agencies or people who are involved in the case.
4. Training is accomplished through actual casework reviews with staff and other interns.
5. You also may be assigned research or other projects.

This internship is ideal for students in psychology and related disciplines who desire the experience and a record of community service.  The internship has been exceptional for students interested in increasing their knowledge of psychological intervention, child abuse issues, learning more about the "system" (CPS, law enforcement, DA's office, and the court system), how it works and why it sometimes fails.

Enrolment Steps:

1.    Phone or e-mail: Child Advocate Jim Shields at, Justice For Children, for and interview at 713-225-4357, or  Interviews take place Tuesday at 10 AM and Thursday at 3 PM Do this immediately.
2.    After the interview and approval by Mr. Shields at JFC, complete the form below, email to  (include the date of successful interview at JFC).
3.    Dr. Lachman will register you for the course.
Spring, Summer, Fall 2006

University of Houston
Psych 4306: Community Service Practicum
Form: Internship in child protection at Justice for Children
Professor R. Lachman

Please send the following information to, by e-mail, to after you are approved to and

You will be registered for the course by Dr. Lachman.

Semester: Select one: Fall    Spring        Summer
Date of Interview and Approval
Student Name::
Student No.
Overall GPA:
E-mail Address:
Phone, Home/Cell:
Phone, Work:
Career objectives after graduation:
Place of birth:
Work history, list jobs and skills:
Professional plans after graduation: